Jerusalem University College is a Christian institution of higher learning on Mt. Zion, the heart of Jerusalem.
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Jerusalem University College, an independent, degree-granting academic institution in Jerusalem, is also an extension campus for over 70 accredited Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries around the world.
We offer the Master of Arts degree and graduate certificate in four areas:
We offer short-term intensive courses for academic credit or personal enrichment. We can also design special courses or study opportunities for schools and churches that would like to participate in unique Israel-based learning experiences.
The JUC campus sits just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Our students are a short walk away from the major religious and cultural communities — and archaeological remains — of the city.
Over 800 students per year in the short term study abroad programs
Number of MA students that receive financial aid from JUC
We believe that the best learning environment for studying the context of the Bible and encountering the mosaic of the modern Middle East is a classroom without walls.
Our locations for study, whether on campus or beyond our gate, are vibrant, personal, and fully engaging.
Learn About Our Programs
Jerusalem University College, also known as the Institute of Holy Land Studies, has grown to become the flagship school for a Protestant world that is increasingly interested in biblically-based studies in the Middle East.
Learn About Our History
Read how studying in Jerusalem has impacted how our students understand the world of the Bible and the Modern Middle East today. In the words of Phillip, disciple of Jesus, "Come and see."
"Studying at JUC changed my life and career. It gave me grounding in the study of land and language critical for a proper understanding of biblical literature and history. This still enriches and informs the way I read the Bible."
William M. Schniedewind关于如何卸载联想电脑管家及Lenovo.Imcontroller相关问题 ...:2021-4-20 · 联想电脑管家作为一个流氓软件,常规手段不容易卸载。我是这样做的(方法不唯一):1、打开安装根目录C:\\ProgramFiles(x86)\\Lenovo下的程序文件夹,右键“使用360强力删除”,最好点击“防止文件恢复”复选框,等待粉碎完成。这时候看到文件夹内还剩下一些残留文件,即使提供管理员权限,还是 ...
"The program and faculty at JUC were just what I needed. They set my feet on a path that ultimately led to a wonderful, fulfilling career and, more importantly, combined to inform and deepen my faith. What a rich resource, one that simply cannot be duplicated elsewhere in the world, awaits future students who find their way to Mount Zion."
Ron E. Tappybwa 软件用法简介 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-5-19 · bwa 是一款将序列比对到参考基因组上的软件,包含了伡下3种算法 BWA-backtrack BWA-SW BWA-MEM BWA-backtrack适合比对长度不超过100bp的序列;BWA-SW和BWA-MEM适合于长度为70-1M bp的序列;其中BWA-MEM是最新开发的算法,对于高质量的测序数据,其比对的速度更快,精确度更高,对于70-100bp的reads, BWA-MEM算法在比对 ...
"My time at JUC instilled in me a passion to study the Bible within its historical and geographical context. The education I received was an excellent foundation for my Ph.D. studies as well as my current research. Now that I am a professor, I hope that I am instilling in my students this same passion."
Dr. Steven M. OrtizProfessor of Archaeology and Biblical Backgrounds, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
"I came to JUC in need of significant professional, scholarly, and personal renewal after 20 years in the seminary classroom. Almost immediately I began to sense something exciting and transformative was going to happen to my students and to me. Every time I have returned to JUC since then, I have experienced that renewal all over again, and I am delighted to see my students discover the concreteness of the Bible when it is read in its context."
Lawson Stone内蒙古自治区文化和旅游厅:2021-6-15 · 内蒙古自治区文化和旅游厅是自治区人民政府组成部门,为正厅级。主要职责是:(一)贯彻落实党的文化工作方针政策和自治区党委相关决策部署,研究拟订文化和旅游政策措施,起草文化和旅游地方性法规、规章草案。 (二)统筹规划文化事业、文化产业和旅游业发展,拟订发展规划并组织 ...
"My year of study at JUC was one of the best decisions of my ministry. The time at JUC, reading the Bible with my feet on field studies, and studying the Hebraic roots of the church with my exceptional faculty, reinvigorated my sense of call and has given new depth to my teaching and preaching. I think that all pastors can benefit and be blessed by the unique study opportunities offered at JUC."
Heidi KinnerAssociate Chaplain, Christ Memorial Chapel, Jupiter Island, Florida
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